Hengduo Li

I am a fourth-year PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of Maryland, advised by Prof. Larry S. Davis. I received my Bachelor’s degree from Department of Electronic Engineering, Fudan University in 2018. My research interests lie in computer vision and deep learning, particularly in topics like object/action recognition and detection. Here is my latest Resume.


  • [2022.6] Passed my Ph.D. dissertation defense! I will join Meta AI as a research scientist this fall.
  • [2022.3] Our work AdaViT, an efficient Vision Transformers for image classification, was accepted to CVPR 2022.
  • [2021.12] Our work on semi-supervised object detection was accepted to AAAI 2022.
  • [2021.9] Our work, an analysis of object detection pre-training, will be presented at the SSLAD workshop, ICCV 2021.
  • [2021.8] Our paper was accepted to IJCV.
  • [2021.6] I will join Argo AI as a summer research intern working on 3D object detection for autonomous driving, hosted by Prof. James Hays.
  • [2021.5] Checkout our recent work on semi-supervised object detection.
  • [2021.2] Our work Ada3D on efficient video recognition was accepted to CVPR 2021.
  • [2020.8] Our paper was accepted to IEEE TPAMI.
  • [2020.5] I will join Amazon AWS Rekognition as a summer research intern working on video recognition, hosted by Joseph Tighe.
  • [2020.2] Our paper NoisyAnchor on object detection was accepted to CVPR 2020.
  • [2019.5] I will join Salesforce Research as a summer research intern working on object detection, hosted by Caiming Xiong.
  • [2019.4] Our paper was accepted to ICML 2019.
  • [2018.3] Our paper R-FCN-3000 on large-scale object detection was accepted to CVPR 2018.